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Are we too clean?

by Here and There (follow)
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There's an endless amount of products available which are designed to keep both us and our houses scrupulously clean. Anti-bacterial soaps, washes and wipes are proliferating along with cleaning products to keep every surface in our homes spotless and germ free.

Some research that suggests we might be overdoing the cleanliness and consequently underworking our immune systems.

What do you think? Is too much cleanliness harmful or is it impossible to be too clean?

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I don't think the average person is too clean. There are people, like my great aunt, who are obsessive compulsive about these things, and definitely do clean too much, but most of us don't mind, the odd germ or two. I'm definitely not too clean, as I will drink from the same bottle of water as someone else, and will still eat something if it has fallen on the kitchen floor.
I am certainly not!

I look at the dust and think -if I dust, it will look the same tomorrow, and that is a good excuse to get out of doing some cleaning.

I hate to clean, so will make up any excuse -my house is however, clean as I have someone who I pay to clean.

I have a few friends who I would say are "too clean" -one cleans before you have even left, and sweeps the floor etc -I would call that being obsessive and definitely too clean, but not me.
by Finy
I think some people go over the top and clean too much. It's not worth the extra effort to get that one piece of dirt hidden in the corner or whatever.

But things need to be hygienic.
I know that we are not "too" clean. We just barely make it to the minimum standard (just kidding).
No. Even though I love cleaning, I can bear the dirt for a while, as long as it is not so annoying.
Some people are. For the most part I think anti bacterial soaps and stuff are a con. You can do plenty with just hot water, and a good microfibre cloth (like Norwex or Enjo) means you don't need cleaning chemicals.I wouldn't ever worry about underworking my immune system though. Even if kept my house spotless (which I don't), the kids would still bring home plenty to keep our immune systems busy.
I have always said ''you can never be tooooo clean''!!

I don't ever get sick.
So for me and my house, I will continue to be clean as much as possible.
I never wash even my tea towels with other washing,they are washed alone.
I have a deep fear of tummy bugs, so that is always a big issue for our home.

Some people I know get sick a fair bit, and I know why.

Germs are germs, plain and simple.
I think so everything from using products to looking after food.. Need to be hygienic but no good if it starts to be obsessive
Good protocols in food preparation, cooking & serving is the major requirement in the home.
Then there's normal hygiene of house in totality.
Then hygiene of persons' in the house.

Got to strike happy balance between absolute filth & garbage & OCD application. Majority of people would already be doing this, probably.
I love the smell of disinfectants in my bathroom, laundry, toilet and kitchen, I don't think I clean enough, not like my mum used to anyhow.
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