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Are there any circumstances where it's okay to have an affair?

by lizzi (follow)
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Are there any circumstances where it would be considered okay to have sex with someone other than your partner? Does it make a difference if there is emotional attachment involved?

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No. If the spark between partners is gone, then you should separate before having a relationship with someone else.
I definitely believe that if you're relationship is such that you would consider sleeping with another person then it is time to end the relationship before moving on. Having had a few opportunities present themselves to me though I certainly have some empathy for those who make these choices.
Maybe if your spouse is in a coma for years? Otherwise only if everyone involved agrees to it, in which case it's not cheating.
......so much for Marriage Vows, in which there's an 'in sickness & in health' clause.
To me, that would be a cruel, unethical & disgusting breaking of said vow.
by donjo
Is there a reason you are going back and responding to my old comments? Some of these are a year or more old.
Ah never mind, I see from the answer you have left below that this is something you feel strongly about. Fair enough. I was just a bit thrown because getting a notifcation about something from a while ago is like if someone came up to you in the street and just continued a conversation you'd had with them a year ago. You'd probably be confused.

I stand by my answer because in the very unlikely scenario I imagined (with the spouse in a coma for many years like something out of a fairy tale) they would be to all intents and purposes dead. I think expecting your spouse to go without companionship and love for many years in your absence is a pretty tall order, so if they were very lonely and someone came along who could give them a chance at happiness again I think it would be understandable to take that chance (and I'd want my husband to be happy under those circumstances).
I think we can try to justify it, but it can't really be done, can it? Cheating is cheating is cheating. However, that doesn't mean we can't sometimes understand the 'cheating party'.
by Vee
It's not ok and never ever will be...
The guilt is something I would say that kills the deal.
Plus....it's wrong in so many ways to cheat.
No, it will never be OK. If you are with somebody already and that relationship has derteriorated then you should seperate/divorce before moving on. An affair is a deceit and a betrayal of trust.
No, it's ever okay to cheat. Cheating does more harm than good. Many times these relationships end in tragedy.
No! Never! Utterly the most disgusting 'slap in the face' betrayal possible between spouses.
NO excuse WHATSOVER to have an affair.
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