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Are social networking sites good or bad?

by Smita (follow)
Smita - Smitasfoodcharm - Thermomix Australia consultant
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These days everybody seems to be hooked on social networking sites regardless of their age. Are these sites beneficial or detrimental?

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Social networking sites are neither good or bad. Everything boils down to how we utilise the sites. For instance, Facebook is a great way to connect with people and maintain contact with people all over the world. But if one starts adding personal information to Facebook like home address and phone numbers then there is an elevated risk of being targeted by potential predators. Social sites can also be brilliant time thieves as it can be easy to get immersed in them and lose track of time.
I guess Oscar Wilde's quote 'Everything in moderation, including moderation' rings true everytime.
They are both good and bad. It's really about how you use them. Do you over share, betray your own families, allow anyone to view your information, does your social media time impact other areas of your life, your relationships, your work or study, your sleep? How many hours do you spend on your internet life as opposed to your real one? Your answers will let you know if these social sites are good or bad for you. For me I find it a great way to to promote my articles and get more readers. I hate when people post their every move though and it can see why some hate it.
Social network is made up of two very essential words. Social and network. Being in a network person can be able to interact and extend his own socisl life.. on the other hand this social life can mar the non web life. Striking thab balance is essential.. its not guns that kill people .. its people that kill people..
by star
I agree with all the answers as they present a very balanced view of not only social networking sites, but of all things in life generally. We can make "anything" good or bad by the way we use it. We can use television to educate ourselves, or use it to waste time and watch crappy shows/movies all day long. We can use our cars to make our lives easier or drive like hoons and make everyone's lives miserable. The idea applies to everything in our lives.
The purpose of a social networking site - to connect people, find friends, socialise, and promote your work - is good, but some people are careless in how they use them. It can be dangerous to put to much personal details online and share that information with strangers. There are also a lot of malicious people out there, who use social networking to prey on innocent people, either through bullying, scams, or something much more vile.

Social networking sites are good as long as you use them sensibly. If you cannot do that, then you should stay far away. In any case, I do not think children under 16 should be using them in any circumstances.
Yes, it can be good or bad. Having watched CYBER BULLY (it was on abc1, then 2) with the amazing Maisie Williams (from GOT). i saw how horrific some of the results can be, it was to me, the most powerful thing I had seen about the bad side of it all. Found myself thankful that my 'children' are now well into adulthood, and do not even 'do' facebook. For some people I know it is a wonderful took to keep in touch with scattered family & friends.
by sandw
I think a lot of the bullying and bad behaviour that children and young adults engage in on social networking sites makes them an easy target for the media to demonise.

I know that when I was at school there was plenty of that behaviour going on, but it was completely hidden and unrecorded. At least social networking sites mean that previously hidden bullying will come to light and a responsible adult can step in to deal with it.
It's not as simple as "good" or "bad." It depends how you use them. They can be useful for finding people you've lost touch with, sending casual invitations or for businesses. They can be detrimental if you spend all your time on them at the expense of other things you need to do. And of course you have to watch your security settings and be careful what you post.
Love it or Hate it, they are probably here to stay. Thankfully some sites offer us the chance to express ourselves - like blogs. Others allow us to connect with friends we have not seen for years. Just one big communication tool.
I'm personally not a big fan of social network. on-line bullying is the worst thing to ever come from them. How many kids have taken their own lives because of it? My own daughter has been subject to it as well, which really angers and upsets me because there's nothing I can do to stop it. Unfortunately it's a necessary evil for some people who can't live without it. I can easily live without it myself. I get enough grief from people who supposedly love me, without getting it from people who don't even know me and feel they can humiliate and put me down anonomously. Mandy E.
best to do social networking at your local coffee shop. Contact your friends and meet once a week or fortnight and have a good natter. Nothing wrong with meeting face to face and not talking on the mobile too. Social networking on Facebook etc is great esp if you have friends overseas but meeting your friends is far better.
I'm not sure about social networking, I've never tried it, I wouldn't give my bank accounts freely to a stranger, that said he was introuble, you hear a lot of these stories, but they have also been happy endings with others.
I don't have time for either but my adult children use them all the time. I couldn't be bothered with daily updates as to what happens to little Joey, or what food has just been consumed at lunch or dinner. Not my cup of tea I'm afraid.
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