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Are sales a marketing gimick or can one actually benefit from buying products during a sale?

by Happy Mom (follow)
Shopping (184)     
Stepping into a plaza means being subjected to all sorts of information overload. Sales signs lure customers to buy more, more and more.
Do you think sales are actually price reductions, or do they mark up the price to actually bring it down to its original price during a sale, or is it all just a marketing stunt? Do you buy products when you need them? Or do you wait for sales?


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If I want to buy something but I'm not in a hurry, I always look around to make sure I've done my research on the average price range, the different brands available and I might wait for a sale even if it might just only be 20% off. So by the time a sale is on, I know whether it's worth buying or not! So I think it's important to look around and do your research if you want to shop wisely.
I shop with the idea...if I don't have the money for it, then it is not a bargain even if it is for sale. If I have the money, then is it something I need or want?
These days I always shop around. I love looking through the catalogs that arrive with the sales. I circle what I would like and then rice check online. Normally I can find it cheapest online. Most of my shopping is done online!
If then items that you really need are on sale, then this is a bonus. Otherwise, do not get 'hooked' into the sales just for the sake of it, and for the thrill of scoring yet another 'bargain.' Remember, if the unwanted item is on sale, it is on sale for someone else, yet not necessarily for you.
I like sales but at the same times I do not buy things just because they are on sale. Everything works on a need to have basis. If I need an item and it is on sale then I will definitely buy it otherwise not.
I do both, I wait for a sale for something special.
I also buy, if I need something in every day life e.g. a Vacuum cleaner.
I look for the best price(outside of Sales).

Yes...Sales are a great way to buy new clothes, I bought a black suit Jacket that was over $200 for $50!!! It was reduced, and then they reduced it again!

That was in one top department store, so you just have to keep looking...get in early.

It all depends on the shop.
by Finy
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