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Are men hardwired to cheat?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you think men are "hardwired" to cheat?

#Cheating men
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No more than women. Cheating speaks to a persons character and self esteem issues. Not to their gender.
I think it is an old fashioned way of thinking and I also think that men used to cheat more than women -in the olden days, it was often something "men did"....whether that be sexist now makes no difference as there were no "sexist" laws when I was young.

However I do think that a lot of men have a stronger sex drive than women especially as they age....
by Finy
I don't think men are hardwired to cheat. I think that's a total cop out. I think that cheating has nothing to do with one's gender and, as Tracie has pointed out, it speaks volumes about a person's character. The idea that men 'want' sex more than women is also a fallacy. Just saying.
by Vee
I think it's really selling men short when people talk like they're animals, unable to control themselves when it comes to sex. They have free will and self control. If they cheat it's because they want to. It's also sexist and silly to assume that men like sex more than women.
Good question but it does take two to tango. It depends on the man but I would not put them in a general term!
Yes, but so are women. We are all prone to do wrong.
by Gia
I believe it is an individual choice.My dad never has cheated in either his first or second marriages,and he is now 84! I therefore wanted a husband who was also of this ilk! Unfortunately,I did not get one,though I did not find out about all his infidelities until AFTER the divorce! I know that my son does not cheat.It is definitely because of how he has been raised.He told me he can never forget the hurt which his dad's cheating caused both of us.He also said that he just could not be bothered, and simply has not got the time!! Ha ha ha!! Sensible lad!! Though I do not feel that men are 'hard-wired' to cheat,I DO feel that once a cheater,ALWAYS a cheater;and that is from experience!
I think the 'poligymous' tag attached to men is a true 'basic' part of a man's physiology, however as civilised men, they can control this, particularly when they love a woman deeper than just the sexual relationship...I believe some men are more 'evolved' than others in this regard. Men can separate sex and love, however the most successful relationships a man can have is when the two gel together and as already stated 'love a woman deeply for her whole self'.
by Fran
No. I don't think it's different to women.
If a person wants to cheat they will find a way - don't think it matters what your gender is. I think the reasons for cheating might be different between men and women though
by AJ
I am a man that has never even considered cheating in 1 marriage and 1 long term relationship. My mother cheated on my Dad and it destroyed our relationship and entire family structure. Why would any person trade the love and respect of family and friends for a few minutes of fake pleasure? It is because they are selfish and completely fail to understand the concept of love.
Unless one is in the persons shoes , others may never know the full truth.
by jonaja
Men are Hardwired to Look.

What happenes after that is up to him.

I did a study on this some time ago, it was not a very big study....but enough evidence to know that it is almost impossible for most men, not to look at attractive women.

If all is not well in his marriage, or relationship....if a woman was to think he too is attractive (and maybe single) it can and in some cases, cause him to 'think' about her.

Women don't have the luxury of even looking at other men, their instincts are more geared up to the children they have, and having a happy home life.

That is not to say women do not cheat......they can and do.

No more than some women.
It is what the individual holds as being true.
Cheats never prosper and as they say "what goes around comes around" and in turn they end up being cheated.

Stay true and faithful

Probably no more than women - after all it takes two to cheat.
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