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Are looks more important or personality, in a relationship?

by Happy Mom (follow)
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There are some couples who look odd together to your eye, but they seem to be perfectly at ease with one another. One cannot help but wonder what brought them together.

Do you think looks are important in a relationship? Or personality is what outlasts everything? Or is there something else that keeps the oddest of couples together? What stands out as "odd" for you in a couple?

odd couples

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IMHO, personality outshines looks in the long run. I've always believed that true beauty is from within. However, having said that, good looks tend to create good impression at first sight and attracts more attention but only time will tell a person's true personality (which is an important factor to consider in a relationship).
Beauty fades, personalities change. What is constant is change, so you better have entered a relationship for some solid reasons, and have darn good reasons to stay in it!
If good looks were the most important thing then every good looking person would have a perfect relationship and every less-than-great-looking person would be lonely. This doesn't appear to be the case though at all. If you think of some of the famously beautiful people who have shocking relationship histories this shows that beauty (male or female) is not a guaranteed winning ticket. I think there's a fair argument that relationships are about more than looks and that personality (and values) are an important part of the mix.
Looks are what you notice first when you meet a person (unless you're blind I suppose) but I don't see how you can have any kind of relationship with someone based on looks alone. What's the point of being together if you don't at least like each other? What would you have to talk about? How would looks get you through hard times?
Looks are always a part of a new relationship.It depends on the age of the two people.

At an age when it is time to get married...that's a whole different story.

People then would of course like their partner to be slightly good looking, but they have come to that road in life....where they wish to be together.

In that moment love takes over.

So when we do see people together who may give a ?

That more than likely means...they are well suited, or in love...and really like each other for who they are.

I like seeing that...because it means they see more than skin deep.
They really see each other....from inside.

I have been around others who was not given the best of looks, but when they open their mouth, something wonderful comes out...and they hold your attention big time.....They are the people I like the most, and I would not marry for looks.

It all comes out....from inside.

Personality is more important in a long term relationship.

Short term, it's really up to you.
The logical thing is they SHOULD not be, but to me looks are very important, as that is the first thing I am attracted to.
by Finy
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