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Are footballers paid too much?

by Bryony Harrison (follow)
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wayne rooney
Source: Football.ua

I just heard that Wayne Rooney has signed a contract with Manchester United that will earn him £300,000 a week. This will make him the best paid player in the UK. Do you think footballers are paid too much for their job, especially when comparing it to other people's salaries.

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It seems like a lot, but so does what some famous musicians and actors earn. It would be nice to see a world where it was the people who did the most to improve other people's lives were the most valued but I don't know how that would work. The one thing that does annoy me about sporting personalities is that people who go to the Australian Institute of Sport get a free ride in their education instead of having to pay upfront or pay back HECS/HELP fees like the rest of us. I don't see why they should get their studies for free while others scrimp and save to do, say, nursing, when we need nurses a lot more than runners and cricket players.
Thats a hard one, because their careers as footballers onky last for a short period oftime. However, comparing it to the wage of an average Joe - yes they are paid ahuge amount for the role they play. Perhaps they should consider the extra money as role model money and set a better example for the communitya
This is for a person who kicks a ball.
Doctors who save lives are under constraint review by the government because of the need to conserve money so where is the balance.
Billions of tax funds spent on a stadium to serve a small portion of the community while frail elderly people search for a job that does not exist because now they are required to work until they are 70.
Let’s face it we have lost our common sense.

Footballers are paid their market value. If we think it is too much it is probably because we are comparing it to what we are paid. Who are we to say what someone should earn?
One word.
It depends. Some are underpaid, yet train just as equally as the higher profile ones. Just like tennis and any other sport, it is a short lived profession.
Compared to others they are paid a lot of money. It's
especially high compared to the wages of police officers, teachers, nurses and other people who's services we couldn't do without, but like actors and musician at the too of their field, they do bring a lot if joy to a lot if people, and that is where the money comes from. People who follow football (and there are a lot of them) look forward to the season for the whole year and when it's on it makes the world look better for them so they can go on doing their important jobs in the world. When you look at it that way, it can be a little easier to see why they get paid so much. And no, I'm not particularly a football fan, but the men in my family are.

You have to consider how much money they are generating for the people they work for. Guys like Wayne Rooney and David Beckham are megastars around the world and are no doubt making other people rich besides themselves.
They seem to be paid on their ability to score for the club.
This is a dangerous sport, and I would hate one of my children to become a footballer no matter what he or she was paid.

I do not think they are paid too much as their career is relatively short, and the risk of permanent injury is great.

I don't think payment makes up for an injured brain, however it is their choice to play, and therefore I do not think they are paid too much, as this money needs to be invested wisely.
by Finy
Playing football is far less dangerous than rugby, and they don't get paid that kind of money. And what about soldiers? That is one of the most dangerous careers you can get, but you don't see them getting millions a year.
Yes, very true Bryony, however that was not the question -there are plenty of other dangerous jobs that don't get paid as well but perhaps football/rugby generate so many millions per year in money terms that they can afford to pay them?
by Finy
Yes they are paid way too much.
Way, way, way TOO MUCH!

They can kick a ball, any idiot can do that!

Look how so many turn to grog & drugs 'cos they can't cope with handling huge sums' of money, come from poor backgrounds in culture, usually uneducated, & are as stupid as they come! When i/v'd on tv they find it impossible to string two words together, let alone a sentence! They seem to border on imbecilic many of them.

THEY ARE NOT, repeat NOT neurosurgeons or rocket scientists or Doctors'/Scientists discovering cures to any one of the horrible diseases' that effect mankind!

They can just kick a bloody ball! Geesh!

Our Priorities' are so skewed, it's beyond a joke, & has been for many years'. Sad for mankind!

Yes far too much.
I remember going to the equivalent of TAFE in the UK and young guys training to be professional soccer players were sent to gain certificates for a trade should they get injured or not become professional; a great idea.
Do they do it here in Australia?
I believe Politicians are also grossly overpaid no wonder Government costs so much still paying for those who have departed -Stop the Freebees.
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