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Are electronic candles cool or tacky, and do you prefer them to real candles?

by Vee (follow)
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kfjmiller, morguefile.com

Cheap electronic candles can look tacky, but, if you can find some that look realistic, they're certainly a safer alternative to the real thing.

Are electronic candles cool or tacky, and and do you prefer them to real candles?

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I like them because they are so much more safer.
They do the job too.

Tacky, in my opinion. If you want that ambiance, then real candles are the only way to go.
I do not have any electronic candles because I couldn't any that look real ! They are a safer alternative for sure especially when you have kids around.
by BK
I'm not a fan of the electronic candles. I've never seen any that looked real.
As for safety, I'm a big believer in teaching kids how to be safe around hazards, and that is not done by removing all hazards from their lives. If as an adult you are not safe around candles, then you're probably better off not having candles!
I've seen some lately that are so well done I had to look twice to decide they were not real. I love these as real candles can be a fire hazard especially with young children around.
That's what I've been thinking gayle. I received some real-looking ones as a gift and use them to create a cosy feel when my son was just born and I was prone to nodding off here and there, lol. Otherwise, I do prefer real ones.
by Vee
I have not seen electronic small candles but do not think they would have the same effect as real ones.

However, I do not think they would be "tacky" as you put it.
by Finy
Electronic candle all the way. I have a fear of real candles setting the place on fire if I fall a sleep.
They are kind of boring but they are safe.
tacky but safe
REAL candles, thank you!

Electronics' excellent if small children around, though.

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