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Are Boxing Day sales over-rated?

by Happy Mom (follow)
Shopping (184)      Sales (13)      Consumerism (6)      Bargains (5)     

boxing day shopping
Hoards of people shopping on Boxing Day

25th December: all shopping centers closed, causing panic attacks to all lovers of shopping.

26th December: 8am, all parking bays at major shopping centers filled, and cars forced to park on nature strips and other nooks and crannies, and cram into the shopping center, leaving little room to wiggle your way to find "bargains".

Are Boxing Day sales over-rated and is it worth it to go shopping on the busiest day of the year?

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I have not shopped much on boxing day to say anything but I feel that only the people who are really early at the stores find some good deals. Rest of the day, they are just regular deals, no huge discounts. I do not find it worth standing in lines and to push around in overcrowded stores. Having said that, I think a person who stood in line all night and was first to enter sores, would know better.
by Rory
I agree with Rory on this.
by BK
I agree with Rory on this.
by BK
Way overrated. On Boxing Day I still want to be spending time with family, not fight crowds of greedy jerks. There was once a time when sales did not begin until January, and you had time to enjoy the last week of the year before hitting the stores. Those days have long gone.
sure are!!
I found some good bargains, but there were too many people
Overrated without a doubt. Having said that, if you are clever enough and computer savvy, there are Boxing Day sale bargains to be found online, with the beauty of your goods delivered to your door rather than face the crowds
A resounding 'Yes' from me. Boxing Day is my day to stay in. I make a point of not going anywhere near the shops.
We never ever do the boxing day sales, but this year we went on the 27th and got all new towels at target because their egyptian cotton ones were half price. We also got the boys all their summer clothes and new shoes too. We saved heaps! But I'm not a shopping person so we won't make a habit of it and go next year I don't think.
Yes way overrated
It seems to be only in the city centres that you get the crowds of people that are typical of Boxing day sales. In our suburban shopping centre you don't get crowds of people queuing up at 7 am. We wouldn't shop at this time of day anyway. We went one year and we got new luggage for 70 -90% off. I think most of the crush would be when the stores first open. I certainly have never seen it that busy. We don't make a habit of going but we may go if there is something in particular we need.
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