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Are animal rights a feminist issue?

by Jennifer Muirhead (follow)
I am learning all the time. The tombstone will be my diploma ~ Eartha Kitt.
Animals (118)      Ethics (86)      Feminism (56)     

Highgate rabbit farm, rabbit rescued by ALF, animal rights
A rabbit rescued by the Animal Liberation Front. Image from Wikimedia Commons

Aph Ko asserts in this article that animal rights are a feminist issue. The reasons she lists for this include the fact that animals bodies are objectified just as women's bodies are, and that domestic violence harms animals too. What do you think?

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I think people from all walks of life regardless of gender are passionate about animal rights. It is everybody's issue and not a consequence of feminism.

No...it a human issue.
Some humans are wicked, hurting animals.
Some love animals or just want what is right .

Animals are always in need of decent humans to look out for them.

I'm a little niffed that someone would try to turn this around into a 'Feminist Issue'.

Plus it really puts too much effort on the 'feminist too', and could play out as (Fem) trying to gain attention...in my option that's not really a nice way to do it.

Victimization in this sense is wrong.

Lets give all the attention to the poor animals, and stop trying to steal some of the limelight!

Feminism needs to stay in it's own yard.

Animal rights need their own on such a dreadful problem.

Endeavoring to merge the two is ridiculous.

Makes me see red!...When others try to get on the Band-Wagon, of other causes.
Just plain old fashion 'self promoting', at its very worst.

I want to hear only about the Animals and their plight!

p.s....great question bye the way.
by jonaja
I think the idea was that feminists ought to care about animal rights because the issues are in line with the rest of what they belief, not any attempt to "steal the limelight".
I understand ..and would think they would anyway, all part of being a decent human. :)
by jonaja
I can see where this person is coming from, but I am not convinced. One, anybody can be affected by domestic violence - women, men and children; and two, everybody should be concerned about animal rights.
by Vee
I agree.
Everybody CAN be effected by DV but the overwhelming majority of victims are women and children, and in many instances where men are the victim, the perpetrator is another man.

The problem is male pattern violence in the majority of instances, not sex or gender. Animals are, much the same as humans, more likely to be the victim of male violence.
by meggf
And I suspect that the 'male pattern violence' is due to the way we are raising our boys.
by Vee
I don't know that I agree 100% with that exact perspective. But I think the wellbeing of every living creature, and the planet is a feminist issue.
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