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A kitchen sink supposedly has millions of germs -do you clean yours daily?

by Finy (follow)
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A kitchen sink supposedly has millions of germs in it.

Do you clean yours daily?

What do you clean it with to get rid of these germs, or do you not believe in this?

#Kitchen sink
#Clean sink
#How often do you clean
#Dirty sink
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No, I don't clean mine with soap daily.

I do it when it looks like it needs it and I use sometimes detergent, and sometimes Gumption which makes it really nice and shiny.

Although there may be a lot of germs it does not seem to harm me so I do not alter my habits because of hearing this.
by Finy
Yes, with product that's been around for ages.....
'GUMPTION' paste. Brings s/s sink up bright & shiny again!
I always wipe the sink after each use. It gets a proper clean about once a week.

I think we have to be careful we don't get too paranoid about germs. There is an old Scottish saying "children eat a peck of dirt before starting school". I think there is an element of truth in that as you never used to hear about the "allergies" which are so prevalent nowadays.
I'm with you on this one Finy. I don't clean mine every day, but when it starts to look like it needs a scrub I'll give it a clean and follow this up with an antibac spray. We're all still living and relatively healthy so hoping that the germs haven't done too much damage.
Helen -this is a bit like the pregnancy question! it's all so "mad" nowadays
by Finy
I spray mine with household cleaning solution everyday. I think cooking in a clean environment is very important! Then again, I never really got sick when camping - so that is bazaar! ;)
As I wash my dishes as I use them,rather than letting them mount up,I feel that my sink is definitely clean enough! I will give it a really good scrub though only when I think it is in need of that Extra bit of Oooomph!!!
I am a total clean freak with my kitchen sink.

My house is over 25 years old, but the drain pipe is white as you look in the sink.
I use 'Magic Sponge' to clean inside the sink 2-3 times a day when I wash up.
I also leave the tap running a few times a week for a minute or two to clean away any old water.
I bleach my 'drain pipe' with the very heavy duty bleach.
I never have a dirty dish-wipe....and the sink is wiped down 2-3 times a day.
Along with the dish rack.
I have about 2 dozen tea towels, and once one is used...it go's in the wash.
(they are all washed separate from any other washing).
That is one area I am totally a freak with, I just can't help myself.
I don't clean it everyday - just don't think about the germs and they won't be there!
by AJ
I give it a wipe down vinegar daily. That's good enough for me. If it really needs a scrub with detergent, I'll do that too, but it's not every day.
by Vee
No. But may start.
Everytime With detergent and in the night with vinegar and soda
There is also a theory that our kids are developing allergies because they have iinsufficient contact with germs. I wipe down as I go, but only use an antibacterial washing up liquid, for example, when I am in a shared kitchen occasionally.
Don't clean the sink daily as I think that is over the top. We need germs to make us stronger and more resilient anyway. When the sink looks or feels grubby I use Jif or that sort of cream cleaner and occasionally pour some bleach down the drain but try not too waste too much water.
yes, i clean my kitchen daily.
I like to spray the sink after every use but I'm not a germ freak; I just like it to look shiny.
I keep my kitchen sink clean with a light rub over with a scourer every time I wash up. I also make sure the wash cloth is hung over the tap to air between washes.
I have seen people leave their sponges in the bottom of the sink, to gather all the dirty water that goes there.
No I don't even do mine weekly, & my husband & I are never sick from it. I clean it with something I can't remember the name of. I've heard it's actually healthier to leave the washed up items in the drain rack, & to not dry them by hand. It also saves a lot of time!
by Miro
yes,I clean my every time I do dishes and at nite I clean it and dry it really well cause in fla. the bugs would be everywhere.Beside who likes waking up to a dirty sink.
I want to clean that sink! Paper towel near the water source?! Dirty sponge in the sink and dirty dishcloth languishing on the sink divider?!! Yuck. It needs uncluttering so it can be cleaned around and it needs a good clean and shine. Get the plug out of the sink too. I would not have a cuppa if offered. Sinks and toilets are my pet hate. Clean, clean, clean.
by Rice
I too use gumption to clean the sink when it needs it. I do tip pine-o-clean down the drains particularly if I've cooked broccoli or similar smelling water has been strained there.
Yes I do clean mine daily.
When mine needs a clean I have a pump bottle with 50-50 bleach & water. Give the sink one pump then a good wipe down with the sponge, then rinse with hot water. Voila! the sink & sponge both sparkle.
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